Monday, April 23, 2007

6 Iyar - Yahrzeits

R' Levi bar Gershom, the Ralbag (1344)

R' Yosef Meir ben R' Shmuel Weiss, First Spinka Rebbe, Imrei Yosef (1909)
Talmid of the Sar Sholom of Belz, Divrei Chaim, Tzemach Tzadik of
Vizhnitz and R' Yitzchok Aizik of Zhidichov

R' Dov Berish Zeitlyn of Vilna (1920)

R' Yaakov Chaim Ben R' Yisroel Perlow, Stoliner Rebbe, was Rebbe in Detroit

R' Menachem Mendel ben R' Avrohom Sholom Halberstam, Stropkover Rebbe (1955)

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